Meet The Teachers...And Their Pets!
It’s September and another exciting dance year is upon us. Welcome ballerinas, tappers, b boys and b girls! We wanted to introduce you to some of your Tiny Dancers teachers… through their pets! Warning: cuteness overload may occur.
Miss Lori- “Hey Jude was my studio dog. She used to walk with us when we danced. She especially liked to join in on the Copasetics Cole Stroll dance. Her niece, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds came when Jude was missing studio life.”
Jude and Lucy
Miss Emily- “Here is Lila and Loki relaxing after a dancing session with me and my daughter. They love to jump around with us when music is on.”
Lila and Loki
Miss Jenna- “Eleanor has been my rascally little companion since April. We love hiking, looking at pretty gardens, and dancing in the kitchen.”
Miss Jennifer- “This is Balou, our family dog. He is named after the bear in The Jungle Book.”
Miss Natalia- “This is Freckles. He rescued us in December 2020. He’s a very friendly, cuddly, sometimes needy cat. He loves to sit by an open window to bird watch, take several naps a day and play at night time.”
Miss Donna- “Since 2010, Laverne has been our director of security. As the senior pet on staff, she enjoys leisurely mornings reading the paper before she starts her day.”
Miss Karly- “Titan (7) and Cobalt (1) have been stuck at the hip since we rescued Cobalt in November 2020. They love morning snuggles, eating ice cubes and seeing who has the bigger mouth. Some of you may recognize Titan from his cameo appearances in the Tiny Dancers craft videos!”
Titan and Cobalt
Miss Amelia- “Here is Percy and Snickerdoodle! They are best friends and love to sit together with me and my roommates. Percy is a couple months old guinea pig, and Snickerdoodle is the 9 year old gentleman.”
Percy and Snickerdoodle
We hope you’ve enjoyed this parade of adorableness as well as your first week of dance class. All the teachers here at Tiny Dancers are looking forward to bringing the joy of dance to you this year!